Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lunatic Fringe

The Big Lie and the Big Lying Liars that tell it

... and Robert Reich who reminds us not to forget that it is, in fact, a lie.
Repugicans are telling Americans a big lie. 
The big lie is our economic problems are due to a government that’s too large, and therefore the solution is to shrink it.

The truth is our economic problems stem from the biggest concentration of income and wealth at the top since 1928, combined with stagnant incomes for most of the rest of us. the result: Americans no longer have the purchasing power to keep the economy going at full capacity. since the debt bubble burst, most Americans have had to reduce their spending; they need to repay their debts, can’t borrow as before, and must save for retirement. - Full Story

Glenn Beck's radio show dropped in NYC
Why, who would have every guessed that!

"Fox News is 100% bullshit."
-- Keith Olbermann, Tweeting    Link

"Surely not 100%. Surely it is a rich blend of
  manure from a wide variety of farm animals."
-- Twitter user William Dickson, Tweeting back at Keith    Link

Whichever - they're pure shit anyway you look at it.

The Portrait of a speaker
Speaker Boehner
House repugicans to cut education, law enforcement by 20%

Good luck with that. Not only are they sabotaging our limping economic recovery, but they're seriously going to cut the education budget and cops by 20%, and they think they'll survive the next election?
The incoming repugican junta in the House is moving to make good on its promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending this year, a goal eagerly backed by wingnuts but one carrying substantial political and economic risks.

House repugicans are so far not specifying which programs would bear the brunt of budget cutting, only what would escape it: spending for the military, domestic security and veterans.

The reductions that would be required in the remaining federal programs, including education and transportation, would be so deep — roughly 20 percent on average — that Senate Repugicans have not joined the $100 billion pledge that House repugicans, led by the incoming speaker, John A. Boehner, made to voters before November’s midterm elections.

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