Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More incendiary language from Dimbulb, only two days after Giffords was nearly assassinated

They Never Learn!
Lush Dimbulb's response to the near assassination of Congresswoman Giffords (and the assassination of a federal judge and a nine year old girl):
"They're shutting down any opposition and criminalizing it. They've had a plan filed away in a drawer to take away as many of our political freedoms as they can. The Democrats just lost an election, and now the only other thing they can try to do is silence the opposition."
So the politicians who just got gunned down had a secret plan to take away as many of our political freedoms as they can...

... well, that's news to we sane people.

Insane Dimbulb Quotes

"We're better then the Democrats.  You don't see any Republicans running
  to a microphone to blame a Democrat for the shooting in Arizona, do you?"
     -- The Oxy-d out Pigboy, just now, live on the radio in Tulsa

 Hey Pigboy, he SHOT a DEMOCRAT!

 You're right - nobody is blaming the Democrats for this shooting.

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