Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mubarak digs in as 25 protesters die during protests

Note to Mubarak: it's not necessarily the team around you that people want to remove. It's you they're fed up with the most.

The Guardian:
Tanks moved on to the streets of Cairo and Alexandria as protesters in Egypt defied a nationwide curfew ordered by President Hosni Mubarak in an effort to quell the fourth and most violent day of demonstrations against his 30-year rule.

In a late-night TV address, Mubarak refused to relinquish power, but dismissed his government, promising a new administration to tackle unemployment and promote democracy.

But his call for stability appeared to cut little ice with many protesters, who surged on to the streets as soon as he finished speaking, defying a curfew. Protesters who had earlier been forced into nearby side streets by the military could be heard chanting "People want to change the regime" immediately after Mubarak's broadcast to the nation finished.
The US is warning Mubarak to address the legitimate protest issues or else risk $1.5 billion in financial aid.

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