Saturday, January 29, 2011

NJ repugican Governor Chris Christie is 'done with soaring rhetoric' from others, but not himself

The last time we checked, austerity wasn't exactly a booming success in the UK where the UK's wingnuts are trying their luck with a program that has a history of failing.

For Christie, it's not rhetoric when he repeats nonsense, but it is when others talk about economic models that have actually produced results, such as the stimulus.

He's "talking tough" now (whatever that's supposed to mean) but so far there have been no positive results in New Jersey. Shouldn't he at least back down himself until he has something to show?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie appeared to set his sights on President Obama Thursday night at a dinner sponsored by the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, saying, "We're done with soaring rhetoric."

The repugican governor with a tough-guy reputation never mentioned the president by name but added, "Soaring rhetoric feels good for a little while, but if there's no follow-through, all that's left is the same problems except bigger because we put them off."

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