Saturday, January 15, 2011

Palin announces speaking engagement at gun-related gathering less than 1 week after assassination rampage in Tucson

The woman is sick.

In her twisted mind, this is yet another chance to do an "I gotcha!" on people upset about the assassination attempt against Congresswoman Giffords, and the assassination of a federal judge, a nine year old girl, and several others last Saturday in Tucson.

The woman is sick. She knows that announcing a keynote at a gun-related event, in the middle of the firestorm over her incendiary "targeting" of the congresswoman who would end up with a bullet through her brain, will be perceived as totally inappropriate by everyone but the violence/eliminationist-fetishing wing of the repugicans she represents. So in Palin's world, it's a win-win, with absolutely no consideration whatsoever for the dead, the overall problem of violence in our culture, or the consequences.

The woman is sick. And she's the most popular woman in the repugican party.

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