Thursday, January 6, 2011

Planet Earth

 Seven Billion
Sometime this year, the world’s population will pass the 7 billion mark.  By 2045, that figure is expected to be 9 billion. National Geographic  is beginning a year-long series on how the world’s population came to  be, where we are headed, and the challenges that come with so many of us  living together. Those challenges include energy consumption,  education, birth control, natural resources, immigration, and more. The  first article of the series is up at the NatGeo website, along with a  photo gallery, interactive pages, and video.

China's Desertification Will Take Three Centuries to Reverse
china desertification photo
An area of China the size of Rhode Island is being lost to desertification each year, with 38% of all the land on Earth in danger of following suit.
According to the head of China's anti-desertification efforts, roughly one third of desertified land in the country can be reclaimed. That's the good news. The bad news: "At our present rate of treating 1,717 square kilometers a year, I've calculated we'll need 300 years [to reclaim it]," Liu Tuo said. "Investment is seriously insufficient, with a huge gap existing for our needs at present." (Reuters)
Sounds pretty much like every other environmental problem...
More at: The Guardian
Article continues: China's Desertification Will Take Three Centuries to Reverse

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