Monday, January 10, 2011

Refusing to face(book) the music

Skippy had this to say:

A blogger in the UK monitored Sarah Palin's facebook page in the aftermath of yesterday's tragedy.

They weren't surprised to see the monitors scrub any comments critical of the half-term governor, or of Palin's earlier web posting of the cross-hairs on Giffords' district.

What was distressing, however (tho maybe not so surprising) was that a comment comparing the 9 year old victim of yesterday's shooting to Hitler was left intact, all day long.

A commenter posted the following at 18:12:

"It's OK Christina Taylor green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."
Even worse, further negative comments about Palin were immediately scrubbed within a minute, but this comment was still left live on the facebook page.

addendum: apparently the British blogger wasn't the only one to find this vile comment.

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