Friday, January 14, 2011

Seattle's underground city 
It started back in June 1889, when Seattle experienced what is often referred to as the “Great Fire of 1889″. This fire was an unfortunate set of coincidences that brought devastation to the city of Seattle. Sad to say, at the end of it all, approximately 25-30 city blocks had all but burned to the ground.

Thankfully the citizens of Seattle were strong, so the city didn’t hesitate to start rebuilding. However, following a disaster of such proportions it was obvious that building construction codes would have to be changed. Luckily that didn’t take long. Soon the new brick and stone buildings were going up right on top of the ruins.

Now, if you’ve been to Pioneer Square in Seattle, you’ve probably seen the underground city’s “skylights”. You may have walked right across them without even realizing there was once a bustling city underneath your feet.

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