Friday, January 7, 2011

Teabaggers already disgusted with repugican broken promises

Uh, told ya so.
“I actually don’t think it would be possible to fall from grace any faster than this,” Mark Meckler, with the Tea Party Traitors, said.

A few House repugican aides admitted that the party had slipped up in failing to correct the $100 billion figure – first thrown out in the “Pledge to America” document released in late September – before this week.

Other repugican staffers ignored questions about the error. A few argued the same thing as Ryan and other lawmakers: the $100 billion in cuts was an accurate number when the repugicans first issued their pledge in September.
The repugicans are now arguing that they didn't really lie about the $100bn figure. But because the fiscal year already started this past October 1, they can't cut $100bn this year, since they've already missed three months (in fact, they lie in the story above and claim that half the fiscal year is already gone - it's not, half the fiscal year is over at the end of March 2011). But there's another beautiful lie buried in the story - why can't the Republicans cut $100bn as promised simply because we're three months into the fiscal year? And just as importantly, are we to believe that the Republicans only figured out now that the fiscal year started this past October? Everyone in Washington knows that. So they lied, intentionally, when they told their followers that they'd cut $100bn. There's no other explanation for them now claiming "gosh, we made that promise before we realized the fiscal year started in October."

They knew. They lied. Welcome to the assholes you just put in charge of the House. Same corrupt assholes we kicked out four years ago.

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