Monday, February 14, 2011

Alaska warming at three times the rate of the lower 48

But climate change doesn't exist, of course.
We know this because the half-term former Alaska governor Sarah 'nit-wit' Palin says so.
"It's a snow job" according to Palin.
Get it?
Get it?

Scientists or Palin?
Who do you believe?
Thawing permafrost is triggering mudslides onto a key road traveled by busloads of sightseers. Tall bushes newly sprouted on the tundra are blocking panoramic views. And glaciers are receding from convenient viewing areas, while their rapid summer melt poses new flood risks.

These are just a few of the ways that a rapidly warming climate is reshaping Denali, Kenai Fjords and other national parks comprising the crown jewels of Alaska's heritage as America's last frontier.

These and some better-known impacts -- proliferation of invasive plants and fish, greater frequency and intensity of wildfires, and declines in wildlife populations that depend on sea ice and glaciers -- are outlined in a recent National Park Service report.
I'll have go with - 'Who are the scientists, Alex'
Who said playing Jeopardy was hard?

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