Monday, February 7, 2011

Amazing Pictures That Are Not Photoshopped

Photo credit: ukaaa on Flickr
Even before the advent of digital photo manipulation, photographers were creating works of wonder using trick lighting, forced perspective, and plain old imaginative ingenuity. Sounds hokey, but it’s true, and it’s nice to see that it’s not a lost art.
The power of Photoshop is amazing, but still it doesn’t beat the power of imagination. Although many photos taken by professional photographers and enhanced in Photoshop can be absolutely stunning, the photos taken wisely and in a creative manner are even more impressive.
Today’s showcase is dedicated to such photos, the ones that make people skeptical about not being manipulated and still they are genuine and impressive. They can be really inspiring and a pride to every photographer’s portofolio, no matter if they are funny, dramatic or just miracles of nature.
See all 36  non-shopped photographic marvels here.

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