Monday, February 14, 2011

Anti-government protests today in Iran

As you might have guessed, the Egyptian and Tunisian rallies were glorious moments against US puppets according to the Iranian government.
Rallies against the Iranian government is completely wrong and probably the result of Western influences.
Not that Iran is alone in playing such games. 
The Guardian:
Activists in Iran will go ahead with a banned rally in central Tehran on Monday in defiance of warnings by the regime and a heavy security presence, a figure in the green movement has told the Guardian.

Ardeshir Amir-Arjomand, a spokesman for the former presidential candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, accused the government of hypocrisy in voicing support for protest in Egypt and Tunisia while refusing to allow a peaceful demonstration at home.

"Our dictators in Tehran are ruling the country with terror and panic," he said. "They are afraid of their own people. They only sanction whatever pleases themselves, and disapprove of anything that is not under their surveillance. The call for renewed street protest in Iran is a clear sign that the green movement is still alive, and that's why they're afraid of it."
Bahrain is also having anti-government protests. In Yemen, protesters marched yesterday.

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