Friday, February 11, 2011

Arizona repugican proposes bill to require proof of citizenship at hospitals

It's bad enough that US hospitals often require insurance details prior to being admitted, but this is another loony tunes move by the wingnuts.

They're howl at the moon barking mad.
What this means is that anyone who is admitted to or receives emergency care at a hospital will have to prove that they are lawfully present in the United States. This of course presents a whole hornet’s nest of problems-- the least of which is hospitals will most likely not appreciate being saddled with the added responsibility of immigration enforcement.

Of much greater importance is the likelihood that anyone who happens to be undocumented in this state (an estimated 460,000 people) may avoid hospitals for themselves or their family at all costs-- even if the price is death.

Of course a reasonable person would ask why someone would risk death to avoid deportation. The simple answer is that many who go to hospital emergency rooms really have no idea if their condition is life threatening.

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