Monday, February 7, 2011

Cyberpranksters are going to jail

The anonymity of the Internet is no longer shielding young men and women who play destructive games on their computers.
They are increasingly being identified, arrested and held accountable for their misdeeds.
Publicized arrests should give pause to the mean and cowardly Internet pranksters whose mischief can torture their victims and even ruin their lives.

Two Florida girls, ages 16 and 15, have been charged under the state's cyberbullying law, the Naples Daily News reports, after being accused of posting an embarrassing picture on Facebook. The photo had been manipulated to put a classmate's face on the body of a nude, prepubescent girl.

Authorities said one of the girls explained it was done as a joke. But there's nothing funny about facing felony charges under a tough law passed in 2008 in response to a suicide blamed on Internet bullying.

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