Saturday, February 19, 2011

Global Warming Good For Montana

From the "Yep, he's a idiot" Department:

One way to approach the problem: Montana Legislator Introduces Bill To Declare Global Warming ‘Natural’ And ‘Beneficial'
joe reed A bill has been introduced in the Montana state legislature to declare global warming a “natural occurrence and human activity has not accelerated it,” and that it is “beneficial to the welfare and business climate of Montana.” State Rep. Joe Read (retard-MT), a farmer and emergency firefighter who stole the election from a Democratic incumbent in 2010, introduced HB 549 “to ensure economic development in Montana”
Read did not consult any climate scientists — including Montana’s own experts, who warn of drought, infestation, wildfires and “large economic impacts” — in the drafting of this bill. Instead he relied on his own experience and understanding of the issues at play. He told us:
"If you follow the money, the science has been pushed toward where the money is coming from. The money is coming from the federal government. I believe global science is an ideal, not a true science."
Here it is: House Bill No. 549.

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