Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Majority of American public supports union in recent repugican attacks

It didn't take the Teabagging repugicans very long to overreach. The Koch Brother funded anti-union attacks are popular among the wingnuts but the American public is behind the unions.

USA Today:
Americans strongly oppose laws taking away the collective bargaining power of public employee unions, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. The poll found 61% would oppose a law in their state similar to such a proposal in Wisconsin, compared with 33% who would favor such a law.

Repugican Gov. Scott Walker and repugican legislators in Wisconsin have proposed cutting union rights for most state government workers and making them pay more for benefits. Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana, Iowa and other states with repugican governors are considering similar laws.

Thousands gathered in Madison for an eighth day to protest Walker's plan. Rallies were also held in Columbus, Ohio, Des Moines and Montpelier, Vt.

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