Sunday, February 20, 2011

Minnesota Moose Population Crash Possibly Correlated With Climate Change

aerial view minnesota moose photo
The end is near. Image credit:Mark Lenarz. (excerpted from slide show)
I recently was chided a bit for suggesting (without having provided a link to supporting scientific evidence) that the behavior of a central-Wisconsin black bear emerging from its den in early February might well be attributed to climate change. (See Black Bear, Bummed Out By Climate Change, Falls Asleep In Backyard ....)
Today I feel lucky, having stumbled onto some related science. The population density of northern Minnesota moose has been falling for years and bull moose are decreasing in proportion to cow moose. No, it's definitely not a poaching problem; nor is it a human hunting or wolf-predation caused fall off (see below for some data). There is, however, a potential correlation of the long term Minnesota moose population collapse with climate change.
Article continues: Minnesota Moose Population Crash Possibly Correlated With Climate Change

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