Thursday, February 17, 2011

Repugicans Hate The Constitution

You know how the repugicans are really, really into the Constitution, right?

Check this out: 2 House repugicans Vote to Uphold the Bill of Rights.
Today, Democrats offered a motion to recommit on legislation to extend expiring provisions of the PATRIOT Act to ensure that PATRIOT Act powers are not used to violate the Constitutional freedoms and protections guaranteed to all Americans.
The motion included two parts:
No Constitutional shortcuts. When investigating American citizens, the government must comply with the Constitution, even in national security investigations
Challenging unconstitutional action. If a citizen challenges the government’s use of PATRIOT Act power in a court of law, the case must be expedited to ensure the individual’s rights are upheld.
You would expect every repugican House member to approve of this, right?
Instead of voting to prevent government from overreaching and trampling over Americans’ Constitutional liberties, only two House repugicans, Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Ron Paul (R-TX), joined all House Democrats in voting for the motion. The motion was defeated with 234 House repugicans voting no.
But they always like that part about bearing arms.

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