Friday, February 18, 2011

Repugicans Seek to Prevent Coal Ash Regulation as Hazardous Waste, PCB Cleanup, and More

coal ash photo
You're probably aware of the environmental and health problems with coal ash and the debate surrounding whether or not the EPA will decide to classify it as hazardous waste.
The agency is currently weighing proposals for coal ash regulation. One of those proposals would classify the substance as hazardous waste, but two of the amendments tacked onto the repugican budget bill, which itself is bad enough, would prevent the EPA from enforcing any such rule. And they're just two of more than 400 amendments that deserve a little more attention than they've been getting.
Article continues: Amendments to repugican Budget Bill Seek to Prevent Coal Ash Regulation as Hazardous Waste, PCB Cleanup, and More

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