Monday, February 7, 2011

Skirmish on Thai-Cambodian border

About the last thing either country should be wasting its money on is this. It's especially tragic when there's a World Heritage Site in the vicinity. The UN needs to step in and send forces to keep the peace.

The Guardian:
Cambodia called for U.N. peacekeepers to help end the fighting along its tense border with Thailand, where artillery fire echoed for a fourth day Monday near an 11th century temple classified as a World Heritage Site.

The crumbling stone temple, several hundred feet (meters) from Thailand's eastern border with Cambodia, has fueled nationalism on both sides of the disputed frontier for decades and conflict over it has sparked sporadic, brief battles in recent years. However, sustained fighting has been rare.

A one-hour clash Monday morning stopped after both sides agreed to an unofficial cease-fire. Fighting has erupted daily since Friday, leaving at least five dead.

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