Monday, February 28, 2011

They walk among us ...

From the "Now, how do you spell I-D-I-O-T again?" Department:

Burglar Has Brilliant Idea: Post Photos of Himself on Victim's Facebook Page
Rodney Knight plead guilty to second degree burglary this past week in Washington, D.C. He was caught because he posted pictures of himself with his loot on his victim’s Facebook wall:
Knight broke in to the Northwest home of Washington Post writer Marc Fisher in December, police said. He helped himself to a number of items, including two laptop computers, a new winter coat and about $400 in cash.
Before leaving the scene of the crime, he put on the winter coat and posed with the cash for a photo he took of himself. He then posted his “loot” photo on Fisher’s son’s Facebook page, the writer said.

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