Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anti-American (pardon, anti-union) vote moves to Ohio

This anti-union attack looks even worse than the repugican-proposed legislation in Wisconsin. Once again, why are repugicans blaming the unions for what we know was a Wall Street economic crisis?
The Ohio Senate is expected on Thursday to consider a revised version of a bill to end collective bargaining for public-sector workers, and union members gathering outside the Statehouse here Tuesday morning said they were bracing for the worst.

“This is going to get passed and people will sit back and say, ‘What happened?’ ” said Mark Horton, a retired firefighter who is treasurer of the Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters. “Once it’s done, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.”

Unlike similar legislation in Wisconsin, which exempts police officers and firefighters, the Ohio bill includes them — and is controversial for that reason.

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