Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Donald Trump took Qaddafi's money

Trump tries to make it sound like a good thing.
Not so sure the Lockerbie families will see it the same way.

From ThinkProgress:
This morning, the hosts of Faux & Friends asked real estate mogul and presidential hopeful Donald Trump how he planned to gain the national security credentials necessary to sit in the Oval Office. An indignant Trump responded that “I probably have more experience than anybody” in the repugican field because of his international business dealings, and said that the way he “screwed” Col. Muammar Qaddafi on a land deal is a blueprint for how the United States should deal with foreign leaders.
Trump did pressure Gaddafi not to stay at the land he rented him, but it seems he didn’t even realize who he was renting to at first, and acted only after local officials and members of Congress spoke out against the deal.

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