Monday, March 14, 2011

Great White Sharks Disappearing Into Soup Bowls?

great white shark photo
Image via QUEST video
Great white sharks are still a complete mystery, and yet we know that they are also falling victim to shark finning. A recent census -- the first for white sharks -- found far fewer individuals than the scientists expected to count. Could these apex predators of the sea be disappearing before we've even been able to understand them. The incredible short documentary by QUEST (click through to watch) lays out how much we know, and how much we have yet to learn about white sharks. And the more we know, the more we will be able to protect them from an industry that is collapsing shark populations worldwide at a rate biologists are stunned could ever be possible.
Article continues: Ocean Film Fest 2011: Great White Sharks Disappearing Into Soup Bowls? (Video)

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