Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Koch Industries: 'carbon dioxide is not a pollutant'

From the "WTF planet are you from?" Department:

Maybe Koch Industries is where Dimbulb came up with his loony "oil is as natural as the ocean water is" remark. These people are nuts and they own the repugicans.

More from the ThinkProgress Wonkroom:
John Hinderaker, who works for a firm employed by Koch Industries, argues that efforts to regulate the greenhouse pollution of the petrochemical giant are wrong because “carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.” “Climate change is not caused by pollution; history proves that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not control worldwide temperatures,” Hinderaker wrote in a blog post Wednesday. “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is a natural substance that is essential to life on earth.”

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