Saturday, March 19, 2011

Meanwhile in Wisconsin

What's happening in Wisconsin that's stopped making the national news.

The repugican in charge of the Senate, Scott Fitzgerald, decreed on Monday that the now-returned Democratic state Senators would not be allowed to vote, then backed down when he became a laughing stock.

And speaking of laughing stocks, the local wingnut paper, The Wisconsin State Journal, which has been totally on board with the whole radical wingnut agenda, is now urging Democrats and repugicans to be polite to each other, as though both sides have been equally outrageous, and as though civility is an admirable goal as the repugicans kill people.

And yes, people will die, of course, when poor, old folks are forced to pay more for their prescriptions. Some of them won't have the money, so they'll stop taking their drugs, and they'll die sooner. But for repugicans that's not a problem, it's a good thing.

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