Monday, March 14, 2011

Tell the truth ... get sued

From the "Un-fucking-believable" Department:
Further proof that dishonesty is the new norm.
$60k damages awarded against blogger who reported truth

A blogger must pay $60,000 after reporting a link between a local community leader and mortgage fraud. From the Star Tribune:
The jury awarded [Jerry] Moore $35,000 for lost wages and $25,000 for emotional distress. The civil verdict culminated a nearly two-year legal scuffle between John Hoff, whose blog, The Adventures of Johnny Northside, has 300 to 500 readers daily, and Moore, former director of the Jordan Area Community Council.
Because the story was true, according to the Star Tribune, Moore (who was fired after the report) sued not for libel but for 'meddling' in his employment.
Here's to hoping his employment is never 'meddled' with again being that he remains unemployed as the ass should be.

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