Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Terry Jones Finally Burns The Koran

From the "Such a Loser" Department:
It took him a while and the publicity isn't nearly what he had hoped for, but the mission has been accomplished: Koran burnt in Florida church.
jones and sapp A controversial US evangelical preacher oversaw the burning of a copy of the Koran in a small Florida church after finding the Muslim holy book "guilty" of crimes.
The burning was carried out by pastor Wayne Sapp under the supervision of Terry Jones, who last September drew sweeping condemnation over his plan to ignite a pile of Korans on the anniversary of September 11, 2001 attacks.
The technique?
The book, which had been soaking for an hour in kerosene, was put in a metal tray in the center of the church, and Sapp started the fire with a barbecue lighter.
The crowd?
The event was open to the public, but fewer than 30 people attended.
The best quote from Terry Jones?
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
Jones and Sapp are shown here, photographed from below to make them appear more 'god-like'.

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