Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wisconsin repugicans demanding email records of professor who criticized governor

First off, a bit thin skinned are we, Governor Walker
Secondly, could the Wisconsin repugicans be more McCarthyite?
Now university professors aren't permitted to write op eds in the NYT? 
It really is an incredibly offensive move by the repugicans. But not a surprising move.
Repugicans don't believe in free speech. They don't believe in free anything, other than a corporate free lunch.
Oh sure, they talk about the flag a lot, and god too, but when push comes to shove they couldn't care less about either.
Which is why the Wisconsin repugicans are happy terrorizing a university professor for daring to disagree with the repugican governor, and Newt Gingrich is happy to run as a 'family values' wingnut after having three wives and multiple affairs.
The truth is irrelevant when you've got Koch on your side.

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