Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Animal News

Bug Turns Pest Into Supermom
Many sweet potato whiteflies are coming down with an infection that turns them into supermoms, a bane for farmers.

Penguin, Krill Populations in Freefall
As temperatures rise in the Antarctic the penguins' main food source has been in decline.  

Are Ants Smarter Than Fifth-Graders at Math?
Highly social ants can count, complete basic math tasks and communicate that information to members of the colony.  

Ocean Noise Pollution Blowing Holes in Squids' Heads
Noise trauma is taking a toll in the heads of squid and other cephalopods and may provide an additional reason why hundreds are washing ashore dead.  

Blind Cave Fish Can't Catch Zzz's
Insomnia is a matter of life and death for blind cave fish, an evolutionary trait that may lead to insights on human sleep disorders.  

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