Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Astronomical News

A Surprisingly Ancient Galaxy
Every once in a while, an astronomy paper comes out that makes me go, "Whoa. Whoa! Wait... really?" This is one of those papers.
What Will the Universe Look Like in One Trillion Years?
A trillion years from now the universe will be a much simpler place for far-future astronomers to ponder. Read more 
Do Aliens Speak Particle-Tongue?
Instead of using radio waves or optical beams, ET may encode information on neutrinos.  
Did Supernova Herald the Birth of a King?
Did the famous supernova known as Cassiopeia A coincide with the birth of King Charles II in 1630? New evidence of the "noon day star" suggests this might be the case.
Blobs In Space Yield Mystery and Wonder

Space blob
Some of the most extraordinary things in the universe can only be seen as fuzzy blobs by our most powerful telescopes. 

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