Friday, April 29, 2011

Boehner now against ending Big Oil handouts

In other words, he received the call and knew where his bread was buttered. Only the repugicans could defend the indefensible like this.
What a spineless coward.
As the country's largest oil companies report near-record profits, the office of House Speaker John Boehner (reptile-Ohio) rejected on Thursday Democratic calls to consider legislation eliminating billions of dollars in tax breaks for the same corporations.

“The Speaker wants to increase the supply of American energy to lower gas prices and create millions of American jobs," Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in an email. "Raising taxes will not do that."

Boehner said on Monday that oil companies should pay their fair share of taxes and that the industry did not need at least one of the subsidies Democrats want to terminate. But he started walking those comments back in the same interview, and his spokesman’s statement continued the rearguard action.

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