Monday, April 25, 2011

Free-for-all after supermarket accidentally opens by itself

Shoppers in New Zealand took advantage of a supermarket that accidentally opened with no staff. About 24 people cruised the aisles at Hamilton's Mill St Pak 'n Save on Good Friday morning after a computer glitch incorrectly opened the doors and turned on the lights at 8am without a checkout person in sight.

About half paid for their groceries using the self-scan service, but that stopped working when someone scanned alcohol, which requires a staff member to check a customer's age before the system is unlocked.

Police were alerted at 9.20am by a report of people leaving with "truckloads of groceries". Supermarket owner Glenn Miller was initially furious over the incident, fearing that thousands of dollars of groceries might have walked out the door.

But after reviewing the shop's security footage during the weekend his mood had mellowed. "I can certainly see the funny side of it ... but I'd rather not have the publicity, to be honest. It makes me look a bit of a dickhead."

There are news videos here and here.

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