Friday, April 22, 2011

In New Film, Residents of the Gulf Say Impact of Spill Persists

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Screenshot from the documentary Stories from the Gulf. The film, which airs on Planet Green Saturday, April 23 at 2:30 p.m. EST, features interviews produced by NRDC and Bridge the Gulf and recorded by Story Corps. Robert Redford provides the opening narration for the film.

This post was written by environmental activist and actor Robert Redford.

In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon blowout last year, BP repeatedly misled the public about how much oil was spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. Now, as we mark the one-year anniversary of the blowout, company executives would like us to believe that the spill has been cleaned up and the Gulf of Mexico is back to normal.
The people who actually live along the Gulf Coast tell us something different.
Article continues: In New Film, Residents of the Gulf Say Impact of Spill Persists

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