Thursday, April 21, 2011

Koch Industries Has Now Spent $55 Million Funding Climate Denial

Photo courtesy of Greenpeace USA
Koch Industries rose out of the shadows last year to take on the mantle of corporate villain numero uno. Its unmasking came about thanks in part to an eye-opening investigation from Greenpeace that revealed the company was sinking astronomical amounts of cash into campaigns designed either to undermine existing environmental laws or prevent new ones from being passed. Combined with a number of other reports from the likes of the New York Times, a portrait emerged of a massive, uber-polluting corporation -- the second largest private company in the nation -- that was using its vast resources to support policies and politicians that would help shield its bottom line. Perhaps the key plank of Greenpeace's report was that Koch Industries spent over $48 million funding various outlets dedicated to denying climate change However, it looks like all that bad PR hasn't lead the 'Kochtopus' to change its ways -- Greenpeace has just released the 2011 update to last year's report, and it's not pretty ...
Article continues: Koch Industries Has Now Spent $55 Million Funding Climate Denial

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