Saturday, April 30, 2011

Little chimp proves smarter than human baby after 1 year

Back in 1931, Gua the chimpanzee was raised as though she were a human child by scientists Winthrop N. Kellogg and Luella A. Kellogg alongside their son Donald. Gua and Donald were raised as brother and sister. In tests Gua often tested ahead of Donald in reading and understanding.

Slight differences in their placement included people recognition. Gua recognized people from their clothes and their smell while Donald recognized them by their faces.

The parting difference came with language. Donald was about 16 months and Gua was a little over a year old when they had language testing. Gua could not speak, but Donald could form words.

When Donald began to copy Gua's sounds the experiment ended. On March 28, 1932, nine months into it the Kelloggs officially ended the experiment. Gua was returned to the primate center with Dr. Robert Mearns Yerkes in Florida.

There's a longer video here.

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