Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NATO doesn't have enough aircraft for Libyan campaign

It's hardly a surprise, but did anyone really think the US had enough aircraft either? How many wars can be fought at one time? It's especially difficult now that we're in the age of austerity with budget cuts all around. The US military is barely cutting spending but everyone else in NATO is dealing with less money available. It's not right to ask voters to tighten the belt and fund undefined missions around the world.

The Guardian:
NATO is running short of attack aircraft for its bombing campaign against Muammar Gaddafi only days after taking command of the Libyan mission from a coalition led by the US, France and Britain.

David Cameron has pledged four more British Tornado jets on top of eight already being used for the air strikes. But pressure is growing for other European countries, especially France, to offer more after the Americans withdrew their attack aircraft from the campaign on Monday.

"We will need more strike capability," a NATO official said.

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