Thursday, April 14, 2011

New (Ancient) Treatment for PTSD

The Sweat Lodge
Soldiers that suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after returning from war have a new avenue of treatment: sweat lodges.
Tony Deconinck of AOL News wrote about the use of this ancient Native American tradition to treat a modern ailment:
On a secluded piece of land at the Fort Carson military reservation, soldiers have the opportunity to participate in a traditional Native American sweat lodge to cleanse not only their skin, but their spirit. This sweat lodge is led by Michael Hackwith-Takesthegun, a 45-year-old Marine veteran whose elders still live on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. He’s not a conventional holy man, nor would he think of himself as the type of dour and dry minister whose religious temperance separates him from those he wishes to help. He’s a guide with an important responsibility to honor an effective, important ritual.
"We’re getting so many veterans coming back from the war," he said. "They’re searching and seeking and looking for something, and maybe this is helping.

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