Friday, April 1, 2011

No Money For Innocent Death Row Guy

The Supreme Court says: Exonerated inmate won't get $14M.
john thomas A divided U.S. Supreme Court made it more difficult to sue local prosecutors' offices for wrongdoing on Tuesday, overturning a $14 million verdict for a New Orleans man who came within weeks of being executed for a murder he did not commit.
The man, John Thompson, was convicted of a 1984 murder and a separate carjacking. He was set free 18 years later after his lawyers discovered that the prosecutors in charge of his trial had deliberately concealed evidence — a blood sample and police lab report — that could have proved his innocence. Prosecutors have a constitutional duty to disclose such evidence.
Writing for the court's 5-4 majority, Justice Clarence Thomas said that Thompson could not show that the New Orleans district attorney was "deliberately indifferent" to those such abuses because he could not point to a pattern of similar violations in previous criminal cases. Without that, Thomas wrote, the court could not conclude that the prosecutors' boss, former District Attorney Harry Connick Sr., was on notice that better training was needed to prevent violations.
Yes, Harry Connick Sr. is the father of Harry Connick Jr.

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