Thursday, April 14, 2011

Odds and Sods

Wombat Misses Cuddling After Cyclone
A wombat was diagnosed with depression -- after being denied the cuddles and pats he was used to following a cyclone in Australia, the Townsville Bulletin reported Thursday.

Woman Charged with Beating Husband
A Florida woman was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after allegedly beating her husband on the head with a remote control, the Palm Beach Post reported Wednesday.

Man Lives With Corpse for Nine Days
A Bangladeshi man trapped for nine days in a shipping container was recovering in a Singapore hospital after being found with a co-worker's corpse, police and media reports said Wednesday.

Live WWII Grenade Found on Ala. Man
A Police discovered an Alabama man driving around with a live World War II grenade that was a gift from his grandfather during a traffic stop Wednesday, The Birmingham News reported.

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