Friday, April 15, 2011

Repugican threatens to filibuster debt ceiling vote, throwing country into recession and costing us billions for years to come

Sadly, this hostage taker is stupid enough to do it.
A slimy wingnut on Thursday indicated he is willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent a vote on raising the debt ceiling, even if it hurts the repugican party politically.
Jim DeMint (reptile-S.C.) said on the wingnut hate talk Laura Ingraham Show he is considering filibustering an upcoming vote to raise the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit if it doesn't contain other fiscal reforms.
Meanwhile, other repugicans have said they would be open to doing so if serious spending cuts or fiscal reforms are attached to the vote. Some repugicans have called for their balanced budget amendment to be attached to the vote.
I'm so confused. I thought caving on the stimulus, and health care reform, and the Bush tax cuts was supposed to make the Republicans stop taking hostages because all the Democratic genuflecting would make the GOP's small hearts grow three sizes that day.

And keep in mind, if DeMint and the repugicans succeed in killing the debt ceiling vote, it's over for the economic recovery. The 'best case scenario' is another severe recession if this vote fails (and that is exactly what the repugicans want).
But once the Treasury exhausts this authority, the United States would default on its debt for the first time in its history, which could have consequences like the ones that Mr. Boehner has imagined: a severe global financial crisis (possibly larger in magnitude than the one the world began experiencing in 2007 and 2008), and a significant long-term increase in the United States’ borrowing costs, which could cost it its leadership position in the global economy. Another severe recession would probably be about the best-case scenario if that were to occur. three sizes. Yet, somehow, they just keep taking more hostages, and this time are taking the most dangerous hostage of all.

And just to remind you, another severe recession would be the "best case scenario" if DeMint and the repugicans succeed in killing this vote.
The White House and the Democrats should be running television ads about the repugicans' threat to send the country into another recession. We're watching.

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