Friday, April 29, 2011

Repugicans worried birtherism hurting their 2012 prospects

Maybe Obama was right to hold "long form" until now

It's an interesting point. And could even suggesting that by NOT releasing his long form birth certificate until now, the President actually HELPED fuel the crazies by stringing them alone, which only helps convince independent voters that the repugicans are nuts.

Not being one to give much credit for 11th dimensional chess - meaning, every apparent mis-step is really part of the super secret master plan for victory - but on the birther thing, he might be right.

Roll Call:
The question of whether President Barack Obama was born on U.S. soil will have zero impact on the 2012 campaign but could significantly damage repugicans’ prospects for retaking the White House if it lingers. That was the consensus analysis of more than a dozen experienced repugican political strategists, consultants and operatives who were interviewed Wednesday within an hour of Obama going on national television to publicly release the long-form version of his birth certificate.

These repugicans were nearly unanimous in their desire to see the issue permanently put to rest because they fear it could make the party seem too extreme.

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