Friday, April 8, 2011

Scottish heroin ends up in Australia

A package of heroin worth nearly $100,000 intended for a Scottish address has been seized by police after it was mistakenly delivered to Broken Hill, in far western New South Wales. Police say the parcel, containing 200 grams of heroin, was sent from Glasgow in Scotland, intended for a Shetland address.

A Broken Hill resident contacted police on February 10 after receiving the package. Local area acting Commander Mick Stoltenberg says police do not know how the delivery mix-up occurred.

"It was just done up as a package, but within a flask, sealed within some bags, which were inside the flask," Commander Stoltenberg said. "It was sent from an address in Glasgow, intended for an address in Shetland.

"So how they could mix up Shetland with Broken Hill in New South Wales Australia is the mystery." The discovery is still under investigation by Australian Federal Police.

As you can see it's not just our mail here in the USA that gets 'diverted'.

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