Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Student Yawned in Class

... And Couldn't Close Her Mouth!
Got a boring class? Whatever you do, suppress that irresistible urge to yawn, just in case. Here’s what happened to a British teen after she yawned in one particularly boring class:
Holly Thompson, 17, of Kingsthorpe, Northampton, was in the middle of a particularly enthralling class on politics when she reacted to the subject matter like many other students would — she yawned.
But what happened next wasn’t so typical. Her trap wouldn’t shut, making her look like an anime character in a state of shock. [...]
"I was so shocked, my expression probably said it all," she said. "I nudged my friend to show her what had happened but I was so embarrassed. When we realized we couldn’t close it, she had to tell the teacher."

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