Monday, April 18, 2011

Surgeons to remove leaking battery from boy's stomach

Arizona doctors are going to have to cut a boy open to get a leaking battery out of his stomach. He swallowed the small lithium battery from a DVD remote.

It happened a few months ago, but surgeons are still preparing for the operation at the Phoenix Children's Hospital. Doctors say it's especially dangerous because the battery leaked inside the boy, burning his esophagus.

"When we found out that the battery was lodged in his esophagus, we were devastated, sickened, shocked," said the boy's mother, Karla Ranch. "We couldn't believe that this could have happened."

Experts say you can find these tiny batteries in other household items like bathroom scales, hearing aids, and singing greeting cards. They advise parents to buy products with battery compartments that require a tool to open.

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