Friday, April 22, 2011

Unemployment agency spent $14,000 on Superhero capes for jobless

Workforce Central Florida have pulled its controversial "Cape-A-Bility" campaign. The campaign handed out actual Superhero capes to people looking for jobs. A lot of people complained it was not only a waste of money, it was also demeaning.

Workforce Central Florida Vice President Kimberly Sullivan picked her words very carefully. Sullivan never said outright the campaign was a mistake. What she did say time and time again, is that Workforce Central Florida never meant to offend anyone, and as soon as people started complaining, it was pulled.

"The campaign was very innovative and sometimes it can be difficult to reach such a broad audience," Sullivan said. "Every business has to make people aware of their services so they will be able to use them." The 6,000 capes cost more than $14,000.

Sullivan said the organization reached a lot of people who needed work because of the capes. Sullivan said Workforce Central Florida is taking a step back to re-evaluate and then figure out where it goes from there.

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