Sunday, April 10, 2011

Unqualified High-Salary Guy Quits

Follow-up to a previous post: Wisconsin lobbyist’s son unexpectedly quits lavish government job.
BrianDeschaneMugShot The son of a Wisconsin lobbyist whose firm heavily donated to Gov. Scott Walker (retard) has unexpectedly quit his appointed post just days after media reports criticized the governor for picking him over candidates far more qualified for the lavishly paid state job.
Brian Deschane, 27, was initially given a job that earned $64,728-a-year, but within two months was bumped up to a position that earned over $81,000. He was demoted earlier this week, after Gov. Walker came under heavy rhetorical fire in the media for the hire.
His qualifications: dropping out of college, working for a few repugicans, working for a lobbyist shop and getting busted a couple times for DUI. Other candidates for the job, who sported much weightier qualifications, were not even interviewed.
Deschane's online resume places him at a number of jobs in recent years, including fundraising for repugicans, working in the office of a repugican state Senator, managing a failed repugican congressional campaign and finally serving pseudo-political functions at big business lobbying groups connected to his father's industry.
That's too bad. It's becoming increasingly difficult to fine well-qualified government workers.
The photo is a mug shot from one of his DUI incidents.

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