Tuesday, April 12, 2011

While you're still looking for a job

... House repugicans are holding a hearing on "Defending Marriage"
Hey, here's a way to defend marriage.  Help all those unemployed spouses out there get a job.

Also, the repugican chairing the hearing wants to impeach Obama (so what else is new?):
Trent Franks (reptile-Ariz.), chair of the committee, has said President Obama could be impeached for his decision to drop his administration's defense of the Defense of Marriage Act in court, and the upcoming hearing would likely represent his views.

In a March interview with Think Progress, Franks said he supports defunding the Justice Department if it doesn’t defend DOMA and added he would “absolutely” favor impeaching Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder if support for doing so “could gain collective support.”
Well, he's going to have to impeach a lot of other presidents, even including the pretenders, the shrub, and ronny raygun, posthumously, because they did the same thing Obama did.  The lies these guys spin.  Just amazing.

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