Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The 15 Most Awesome Bonsai Trees On Earth

Bonsai is the art of cultivating dwarf trees. Bonsai literally means 'plant in a tray' and to obtain a harmonious bonsai can take dozens of years of pruning, wiring, leaf trimming, clamping and grafting. The oldest known bonsai trees still living (400 to 800 years old) can be found in a private restaurant garden in Tokyo, Japan.

Bonsai trees are cute and all, but I had no idea certain trees were famous! This list has the biggest and smallest bonsai, the oldest bonsai, prizewinning trees, and artistic bonsai creations, like this 2-feet-tall apple tree with its tiny edible apples from bonsai artist Walter Pall.

Blooming Bonsai Trees
bonsai tree
Bonsai is the art of growing trees, or woody plants shaped as trees, in containers. Bonsai creation is enjoyed all over the world. Here are some examples of blooming bonsai trees.

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