Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Culinary DeLites

One locale is known for its pastrami patty, while another get kudos for its triple-decker treat.  
    Get a taste of New Orleans with this full-bodied and flavorful chicken and sausage gumbo.
    Instead of the same old burgers and hot dogs, try tossing pizza or pineapple on the grill.
    It starts by throwing some $5,000 burgers on a $164,000 gold-plated grill.  
      getty herb garden image
      A kitchen garden circa 79 AD replicated with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. 
      Photos by R.Cruger
      Since every home had a kitchen garden in ancient Rome, it's a tradition worth keeping over the centuries. So when given the chance to pick sprigs from the replica of a Mediterranean garden at the Getty Villa, I wondered what ancient plants were growing. The museum's garden is filled with herbs, edible flowers and fruit trees as well as flax for making linen. The co-author of a new book, Gardens and Plants of the Getty Villa, Michael D. Dehart, was one of the guides on the tour and the museum offered recipes for bouquets garnis along with cooking string to wrap up the aromatic selections. While we won't be using them for a roast boar, crane, porpoise or door mouse stew, the same recipes work today for casseroles, soups broths, sauces and infusions:
      Article continues: Bouquet Garni Recipes Inspired by a 1st Century Roman Herb Garden

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